Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Quintessentially yours. Pearl of Wisdom #1

Years ago I read somewhere about archetypes. Something about that we are made up of more than who we think we are and there's a judge, critic, child, father, mother, brother and so on, inside us, all jockeying for position to guide us with infinite pearls of wisdom. So there's a bitter sweetness (schadenfreude) to companies like and rivals fighting for the position to win our vote and hearts as they lead us down the garden path of true love. Notwithstanding the fact that more than 50% of marriages in the UK end in divorce, we continue, like lemmings, down this path in search of "the one".

In this day of instant everything...from karma to soup, isn't it strange that the one thing we truly crave, desire and need is always just beyond our grasp. "What's that" you say? Yes, I am talking about true love. Not the love - romantic love, that we see in The Holiday (nice movie though it is), but the love we all seek from the moment we are born to the moment we die.
The love of self; the love of being - in the moment, here and now. For this love, we have to STOP! Stop what we're doing, stop seeking, stop gabbing, just stop. And look. No, not there, in drink, drugs, TV or other people, and not in the incessant mind machine that warbles on and on, seeking to protect and control. No, peel away the onion and look for the original self.

Now that's a journey worth considering. Is it hard? I suppose that's what grow -ing is all about.

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