Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Qatar Outspends on Advertising in 2006. At the top of the world GDP growth table.

Qatar logged the biggest increase of + 101% from $118 million to $237 million. Print remained the dominant medium with $226 million accounting for a 95% share during 2006. From this, 92% went in to daily newspapers and 3% in to magazines.
The + 96% growth registered by newspapers is astounding compared to + 34% 2005. Magazines like-wise with $8 million accruing a share of 3%, saw exponential growth of + 306% compared to 2005 in-crease of just + 3%.TV followed with 3%.

A quick SLEPT analysis points to the progressive economic and farsighted leadership efforts of the last decade, making Qatar the fastest growing economy in the world. The pace of economic expansion is breathtaking. As recently as 1995 GDP stood at $8 billion compared with $34 billion last year and by 2011 the forecast is $62 billion. This compound growth rate of 15% places Qatar at the top of the world GDP growth table.

At the same time, Qatar is using its energy revenues to diversify its domestic economy which has also led to general increased confidence and more interest from advertisers making it he fifth biggest spend-ing market in the Arab region.Overall the highest spender using all media was Doha Asian Games with $9.1 million followed by Q-tel, $6.1 million and Qatar National Bank with $4.9 million.

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