cre·a·tive (Krëe_ä’tiv) adj.
1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals.
2. Productive; creating.
3. Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing.
To be creative implies originality and expressiveness in whatever is being created.
The concept of creativity cannot be dampened by rules because any exercise in creativity is governed by physical limits whether it is human or the materials being used to create. Even in art, one can say that oil painting is not really creative because the expression can be limited by the colours available in the oil media or the drying time of the paint. So if we are talking about the limitless potential of creativity, then we can say that humans cannot really be creative because their potential of perceiving the existing colours and sounds in the universe is limited by what the human eyes, ears and brain can process which is scientifically proven to be inferior to other members of the animal world. So, if we use the premise of the question that creativity is limitless and unfettered, then we, limited humans cannot be creative in any sense.
But, if we say that creativity can be found in any human endeavour, then we are constantly creative. From the moment of conception we create every moment of our lives through the ability to perceive new solutions and think original thoughts, our natural state is creative, in order to survive and grow in consciousness and awareness.
In advertising we are given the golden opportunity to think creatively, even through the confines of client briefs, structured and sometimes blinkered thinking. We are limited only by the corridors of our imagination, time pressure, client budgets and our own laziness to create, to distil to the essence of the communication, to push the boundaries of inspiration, to arrive at original creative thought. The “Aha!!” moment.
Our birthright is creative, our industry promises creativity, the rest is up to us.

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